Why do I need an academy?
Never take anything for granted. This is the first lesson that you should learn once you get to know our academy. Your virtual assistants usually are smart and experienced people, but you can’t know what they know? Or if they know the tools that you use for your business. In 2019 (And so on) we have different apps and programs for everything, that’s why you need to align your team with you.
The Virtrify Academy is an intranet where you can upload and send training or tutorials to your VAs of almost anything. You may think it is not necessary, but let’s imagine that your virtual assistant comes in a generic way, and you need to personalize the behavior of him/her around your job, the actions to take in your business and the way that you prefer the things to get done. Remember, you’ll delegate duties to them, and they can’t read your mind.
It already has some basic training: in trello, infusionsoft and even google suite services, and all of it born in the lack of knowledge of the tools and the needing to catch the talent to develop a task as no one else can do it. Teach your team, in the areas that you like how you like, cover your back from misunderstandings and make grow the experience of the employee about the spirit of your business.
This site has categories, so if you have so many kinds of tutorials you can organize and label it to find it anytime you need it, and how knows? You can develop an instructor in the area. We already have some called: photography, web development, marketing, HR, and so on. It is part of your package because we want to give you the best experience, as a virtual assistant and as a client.
How to use the Academy?
We’ll show you the proper way to use our academy. Our academy is like a guided tour through your preferences and tools. Even though we are a remote company, we want to help you to set your business as any company will do it, taking the right prospect to some intros and shaping to give you an employee already in the same tune as you.
Whether you have experience in jobs on-site or not; you should understand that an office is a complete ecosystem and if you can’t see all your team and set a meeting to introduce the new one, someone needs to show him the workplaces and co-workers. Think in the tools, as workplaces and co-workers that work in harmony to give you what you need, no one can’t destroy the order because the VA is “learning”; your time (And his) is money that we are not here to waste it.
First of all, you sign up, complete the forms with your information: Are you the employee? Or the employer? Both of you are in the same place right now. You’ll see from the top to the bottom, information “About” the company, our advising place called “Blog” and “All Courses”. Since it is pretty obvious what do the two first sections, we are going to explore what can give you the third one.
“All courses” is a big category, here you can see what do the other employers are sending to their VAs? What does Virtrify have for their own VAs? For example; some of the courses you’ll see are: Post a Podcast Episode on SML - From Kevin Jimeno; Archiving Leads - From Virtrify; Joses Hands Training - From Jose’s Hands, Proworkflow (BASIC) - From Alex Miranda; and so on. Here, you can find your own courses once you publish them
Back on your name, it drops down a menu, where you can choose between four options: Dashboard, Courses, Stats, and Settings. The dashboard is where you have the big picture of your activity at the academy; how many courses you upload? Quizzes? Test? Students? And so on. The courses section is a detailed record of the performance in each course, what is your final qualification? How many courses did you teach? How many courses did you take? Are a few of examples. On the other hand, we have Stats where you can find the progress that you have in any course you take. Finally, you’ll find the Settings to personalize your personal account.
Then you’ll find the next sections: Dashboard, Courses, Activity, Profiles, Notification, Meetings, Tours, Group, Forums, and more. This part of the academy is pretty straightforward, each section group pieces, people and situations to help you navigate the tutorial platform that we’ve been working for you; trying to give the best and provide wide options to develop the best communication possible between both parts, give them opportunities to the same extent.